Algae, diatoms, and plankton are one of my very favorite subjects to paint and a HUGE passion of mine. I have been incorporating algae-like forms in my work since at least 2002. The forms provide endless inspiration for me to draw from. I do have many artworks that incorporate diatom inspirations. It might even be more than 50 pieces!
Enjoy this curated collection of original paintings and drawings exploring this diverse subject.
Planktos, 15” x 22”, watercolor, acrylic, gouache, graphite, and colored pencil on paper
Algal Stardust, 12’ x 12”, acrylic on panel
Constellation, 12’ x 12”, acrylic on panel
Nocturnal Loom 2, 6’ x 6”, acrylic on panel
Nocturnal Loom 4, 6’ x 6”, acrylic on panel
Daily Drawings Week 25, Blue-Green Algae No. 1-7, 6’ x 6”, gouache and colored pencil on paper
Daily Drawings Week 25, Blue-Green Algae No. 1-7, 6’ x 6”, gouache and colored pencil on paper
Daily Drawings Week 25, Blue-Green Algae No. 1-7, 6’ x 6”, gouache and colored pencil on paper
Daily Drawings Week 25, Blue-Green Algae No. 1-7, 6’ x 6”, gouache and colored pencil on paper
Daily Drawings Week 25, Blue-Green Algae No. 1-7, 6’ x 6”, gouache and colored pencil on paper
Daily Drawings Week 25, Blue-Green Algae No. 1-7, 6’ x 6”, gouache and colored pencil on paper
Daily Drawings Week 25, Blue-Green Algae No. 1-7, 6’ x 6”, gouache and colored pencil on paper
Daily Drawings Week 15, Algae Series No. 1-7, 5.5’ x 5.5”, gouache and colored pencil on paper